EC LIVE extension

For your virtual and hybrid events

Add the EC LIVE extension to your Event Catalyst platform

Meetings, Webinars

Timezones enabled and participants' availability management

Any visio and teleconferencing tool

Feedbacks collection


Matchmaking tools

By request and approval

Matching algorithm

Event planner suggestions

No shows management

Matching Squad / Technical support

Full Hybrid

In Real Life + Virtual

Solutions for onsite visio and teleconferencing

Adapted mobile app

Logistical monitoring of health safety

Engagement platform for your community



One on One, One to Few, Casual Meetings


Boardrooms / Demo / Showcase

Plenary / Workshops


Q&A, Live polls, Training

Chat Messaging / Trombinoscope

Live stream

Podcasts & Replays


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Describe your needs so that we can contact you and recommend the most relevant solutions.